Membership & Funding


Please Consider joining the Society or give a donation (Donations to Friends are tax deductible)

Nelson Bay with 'The Cut', Haulashore Island and Arrow Rock

Membership FeesAmount
Single Member $12.00
Two in a Household $15.00
Single (unwaged) $5.00
Family (unwaged) $8.00
Corporate $50.00


To join the Friends of Nelson Haven & Tasman Bay and or to help us with the work we do by making a donation:

direct credit to our Westpac account 03-0703-0453751-00 and  email your name, address, phone and occupation/interests to


Request for Funding of Friends of Nelson Haven and Tasman Bay

The Society's work over the last year has beeen "ground-breaking". We have supported groups including the Environmental Defence Society and Sustain Our Sounds in cases involving NZ King Salmon's plan change for more salmon farms outside of the coastal zones approved for aquaculture by Marlborough District Council, through the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) process and ultimately to the Supreme Court. The outcome of the Supreme Court's decision meant greater clarity about what the New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement 2010 actually means.  Already this Supreme Court decision has meant that other aquaculture cases that the Friends have submitted on to the Environment Court, either as an appellant or a section 274 Resource Management Act party, have had good outcomes for the complex marine environment of the Marlborough Sounds.  The decision also has helped to clarify the importance of protection and preservation of areas of outstanding natural character, and outstanding natural features and landscapes (ONFL) of coastal and marine areas in relation to the NZCPS 2010 and Section 6 of the RMA. 

Work for the Friends is on-going - aquaculture proposals will no doubt continue to be lodged, and issues such as natural character, and natural features and landscapes will need to be addressed, in the public interest, by the Friends.  Based on our experience with previous Council (mainly Marlborough District Council, Tasman District Council and Nelson City Council) hearings and the subsequent Environment Court processes, legal and expert witness costs (for the Environment Court) for appeal cases could be between NZ$90,000,- to NZ$100,000. The Society is fortunate being able to call upon a number of expert witnesses in various fields like tourism, marine biology, ornithology, navigation, landscape planning and legal counsel. Assistance is often provided pro bono or with heavily reduced costs, but travel expenses and incidentals arise.

We ask for your support in our work in securing balanced development of the coastline. The sustainable use of this "resource" will not only guarantee the protection of ecological values in our area but will also create a diverse range of opportunities for the people living here.  We would be happy to provide additional information such as references and letters of support, auditors report and Chairman’s Report and copies of various cases presented by our Society.